Smart Tags for Emails
{{home_url}}: Website URL
{{invoice_number}}: Invoice number
{{client_name}}: Name of the client on the invoice
{{invoice_permalink}}: Permalink of the invoice
{{due_date}}: Due date of the invoice
{{total_due}}: Total due amount of the invoice with currency code
{{current_date}}: Current date
{{is_was}}: If the due date of the invoice is past
From Email Address: From address for all the emails sent by the easy invoice WordPress plugin. It includes Admins and clients too.
From Name: You can set From Name for all emails for easy invoices.
Send a copy to admin?: If you enable this option all client emails will be sent to admin too.
Invoice Available:
Invoice available email setup. This email setting will be applied when someone clicks on send email button.
Email Subject: Invoice available email subject. You can use smart tags too.
Email Message: Invoice available email message text, you can modify it as per your needs and you can use smart tags too.
Payment Received
Email to the client when they make the payment
Email Subject: Invoice available email subject. You can use smart tags too.
Email Message: Invoice available email message text, you can modify it as per your needs and you can use smart tags too.
Payment Reminder
This Payment Reminder feature is only available in the Easy Invoice Pro premium addon
When to Send: This option let you choose a payment reminder schedule. You can select when to send a payment reminder email to the client about the payment.
For which status?: This option lets you choose which status payment reminder needs to send. You can choose for which status payment reminder mail need to send.
Email Subject: Invoice available email subject. You can use smart tags too.
Email Message: Invoice available email message text, you can modify it as per your needs and you can use smart tags too.